Sunday, 11 April 2010


HAPPY 1 MONTH ANNIVERSARY to me and CHIKA VILLANUEVA :'D.i love you so much sayangg.fuhh,baru sebulan kami couple,sudah mcm2 halangan diantara kami apa.tapi kami masih tetap tahan sama2 jua.alhamdulillah,sampai jua 1 month.p i hope,kami kan kekal selamanya =).*amin.i really love her so much.walaupun aku balum brapa fhm ia,and ia alum brapa fhm aku.tapi hati kami masih jua saling sayang-menyayangi*weseh~huhu ;'D.

kemarin sudah kami tidur sama2 dirumah eychang.buleh dikatakan,we had a great times together ='D.kemana2 saja,mesti ikut.nda buleh tinggal.pebaiknya tyme mandi.atu pun sama2 ;)).hehe.

and lastnight tyme aku sama my sayang Chika Villanueva,aku ada teclick sumthing.about my nickname..hmm,i've been using my Accrobat nickname for,i decided to change it last night.its Accuracy.and the meaning?sorry~i wont tell you now.maybe next time ;p.
lastly,here's the pics of me with my Chika Villanueva and my own logo =). enjoy ^^.

cute kan?^^.